While the American Red Cross revises that number daily, the vast majority of the displaced people hail from New Orleans, and only a smattering come from Mississippi and Alabama, said Gayle Falkenthal, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross of San Diego and ... While Emilien has visited San Diego before, it was only for short vacations; she's still unfamiliar with how to get around. Her brother-in-law has been driving her to appointments. Emilien's job search shouldn't take long, ...
The course fee is $100 for first-time students who are San Diego chapter members, $120 for nonchapter members and $50 for all returning students. For more information, contact Gayle Lynn Falkenthal at (619) 997-2495. REAL ESTATE ...
NAB will break for dinner at Trail Dust, and return to the bhotel/b for further meetings later that night if needed. Mathisen will send out an agenda later this week. It was mentioned to promote the Agriculture Consortium Liaison positions. ... bFalkenthal/b then asked about the $2000 donation that the conference team should have received from the Ag Consortium. Mathisen was not sure, but would check with Mendenhall to see if the money had been received. ...